Community Service

Parish Faith Formation

Community service is a huge part of how our students give back to those living in and around our community. Students in grades 7-10 will be required to perform 10 hours of community service.

Where can I go to volunteer?

  • Volunteer right here at the parish: Usher, join the Music Ministry, Altar Server, be a greeter at the doors at Mass; assist in the Faith Formation classes; set-up, clean-up, and service for parish functions like St. Nicholas Day Celebration, St. Joseph's Table, Stations of the Cross, Lawn Fete, parish grounds clean-up; help maintain the Rosary Garden.

  • Food pantries/table: St. Vincent dePaul, Loaves and Fishes, Response to Love Center, South Buffalo Community Table, St. Luke's Mission of Mercy, Friends of the Night People

  • Nursing Facilities: contact their activities director to see how you can assist the residents.

  • Plan and execute a food drive to assist the St. Vincent dePaul food pantry here at St. Mary of the Lake.

  • Assist a neighbor in need by shoveling snow, racking leaves, mowing their lawn, trimming their flowers, weeding the garden, etc.

  • Be Creative: Do you see a need at the parish or in the community? How can you fill that need? Submit a project to the Faith Formation office.

Please download service form below

Service Form
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